Holmehead Holiday Homes

Home page for Holmehead Holiday Homes

About the Project

The website for Holmehead Holiday Homes will be delivered in 3 phases as more accommodation becomes available. The initial brief was to build a site focussed on golfing holidays. But it became clear that the correct thing to do was to try to attract Hadrians wall walkers in the shorter term. Situated close to the wall, and the long distance path, Holmehead is perfectly placed to offer accommodation for Hadrians Wall walkers.

We didn’t ignore the golfers completely though, as guests staying at Holmehead can enjoy discounted green fees at the nearby Eden Golf Club.

The Completed Site

The site has been built to be easily expandable to include more shepherd’s huts as they become available, and also larger accommodation in the form of a house. Visitors are able to search for availability across all properties.

Booking is by way of filling in a booking request form, and the site integrates with PitchUp.com and AirBnb for the availability calendars. Going forward we advise on channel management solutions as the owners expand the number of advertising channels, and update the site to accommodate this.

You can view completed site here, or browse some of the screenshots below

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Home page for Holmehead Holiday Homes
2 properties are coming soon - and you can search across all accommodation
Availability calendar on an ipad
The accommodation is next to Hadrians wall
Eden Golf Club and the offer of a green fee discount for guests
Home page for Holmehead Holiday Homes
2 properties are coming soon – and you can search across all accommodation
Availability calendar on an ipad
The accommodation is next to Hadrians wall
Eden Golf Club and the offer of a green fee discount for guests
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